Guitar Chords – A minor, D minor and F Major

So, three more chords to look at this lesson and then we shall move onto another chord sequence for you to have a go at. By now you should be starting to get comfortable with your chords and hopefully you’ll be moving from one to another without too much difficulty. If not, keep practicing the chord exercises until things smooth themselves out.
In the meantime, here are three more chords for you to have a go at:
A Minor:
D Minor:
F Major:
People often find the F chord quite tricky to begin with. Not only do you have to avoid playing the bottom two strings, you also have to deal with ‘barring’ across the 1st fret of the first two strings.
A ‘barre’ is a technique whereby you play two or more notes with one finger. Here you flatten the first finger across both the 1st and 2nd string to get the top two notes of the chord. This technique will be difficult at first and will need a fair amount of regular practice to get sorted.
Practice all the chords you have learnt using the exercise below. Again, strum each chord once and then change to the next one making sure you play each chord clearly and correctly. Feel free to change the chords around but make sure you include each chord you have learnt so far.
To put some of the chords you have learnt into a musical context, try and play the chord sequence below. Because the chord changes here may seem a bit tricky, lets keep the rhythm simple and just use down strokes (ß). Each bar contains 4 beats and you will be playing one strum per beat, so try and count along with your strums.
The Passenger:
image credit – Bombardier