RockSchool Grade Four Book (2012 – 2018)

Price: £13.49
RRP: £14.99
You Save: £1.50
Level: Intermediate
RockSchool Grade Four hots up even more from grade three, with students learning more techniques including wide stretches, string bends and vibrato. The aim of the RockSchool grade four book is to start developing students lead guitar playing, with plenty of opportunities for pupils to insert their own solos into the songs they select to play at the exam. Scales also extend out to two positions with students expected to learn the relationship between different scales and positions.
Grade four really is the level at which you get the chance to inject your own personality into the music. Unlike the earlier grades, students at grade four level are given the scope to expand on the written music. Once grade four has been completed, pupils will be reaching a solid level of guitar playing with a good amount of flexibility and skill. If you’re up for a musical challenge, this could be the book for you!
Rockschool Grade Four Video: